FEGLI Claim Recovered for Ex-Spouse of Insured

Our client first contacted our firm after unsuccessfully trying to collect her life insurance benefits from Office of Federal Employees’ Group Life (“OFEGLI”) for three years. Our client and the insured divorced in 1996. As part of the Final Judgment of Divorce, our client’s husband was obligated to maintain his life insurance policy through Office of Federal Employees’ Group Life and keep our client named as the sole primary beneficiary on the policy. 2 years after the divorce, the insured changed the beneficiary and named another individual as the sole primary beneficiary of his life insurance policy. After the insured’s death our client could not obtain any records from OFEGLI without a subpoena. In addition, OFEGLI refused to pay any benefits to our client in spite of the fact that she was entitled to the benefits by virtue of the court order. Under the court order, our client was the assignee of the life insurance proceeds. When our law firm took over the case, we researched the case and the applicable legal issues associated with the FEGLI claim. We were able to force OFEGLI to pay the claim the claim in full plus interest for three years without resorting to litigation. Our client was happy with the fast results we provided.

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About the author

Attorney Tatiana Kadetskaya has over 10 years of experience in life insurance law representing beneficiaries and policy owners. She is best known for successfully collecting denied and delayed claims and settling complex beneficiary disputes and interpleader lawsuits.

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