Unclaimed Property: Who Tracks Down Beneficiaries of Life Insurance Policies?

The debate about what insurance companies should do to find beneficiaries of life insurance policies has been ongoing for a long time.

According to Oklahoma State Treasurer Ken Miller, even though 99 percent of life insurance policies are claimed by beneficiaries, the one percent of unclaimed funds amounts to billions of dollars across the United States.[1]

If a policy exists and the beneficiary knows about it, he or she will file a claim in order to get paid. If, however, the policy exists, but the beneficiary does not know about it, the insurance company can claim it does not have to pay.

In the past, insurance companies did not have to pay unless a claim was filed. This trend is changing now, when many state regulators demand stringent reporting from the life insurance industry.

But the changes will not be visible soon. It may take years to distribute unclaimed money to all life insurance beneficiaries who are not aware they are owed payouts.

Officials report that many insurance companies do not inquire into whether policyholders are alive. They only pay a claim once they are informed of the insured’s death.

And the existing laws have supported this practice for a long time. However, these laws are unfair to beneficiaries who never knew there was a life insurance policy in place. Some people find out that they are owed the proceeds of a life insurance policy many years after the insured’s death.

Oklahoma is one of those states that are trying to change the way life insurance companies search for beneficiaries. The Oklahoma State Treasurer’s Office has been successfully searching for policies that are not claimed. It informs the insurance company of the insured’s death and collects the proceeds under the policy which it then distributes to the rightful owner.[2]

Some state officials argue that the search for policyowners who have passed away and beneficiaries under these policies is something insurance companies should do themselves.

Enacting laws that support this approach may take a long time. While the new rules are being implemented, you can get help finding unclaimed property by contacting your state’s Treasurer’s Office. Below is a list of State Treasurer’s Office websites where you can find more information about unclaimed property.

Alabama         https://www.treasury.state.al.us/Content/index.aspx

Alaska              https://unclaimedproperty.alaska.gov/

Arizona            https://www.azunclaimed.gov/

Arkansas         https://directory.arkansas.gov/agency/auditor-of-state/service/unclaimed-property-search-arkansas-treasure-hunt/

California        https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/unclaimed.asp

Colorado         https://www.colorado.gov/treasury/gcp/

Connecticut     https://www.ott.ct.gov/unclaimed_overview.html

Delaware        https://revenue.delaware.gov/unclaimedproperty.shtml

Florida            https://fltreasury.org/

Georgia           https://etax.dor.ga.gov/ptd/adm/taxguide/ucp.aspx

Hawaii             https://budget.hawaii.gov/finance/unclaimedproperty/

Idaho              https://www.sto.idaho.gov/unclaimedproperty/

Illinois             https://icash.illinois.gov/

Indiana           https://indianaunclaimed.gov/apps/ag/ucp/index.html

Iowa               https://www.treasurer.state.ia.us/for_businesses/unclaimed_property

Kansas            https://www.kansasstatetreasurer.com/prodweb/main/index.php

Kentucky        https://secure.kentucky.gov/treasury/unclaimedproperty/default.aspx

Louisiana        https://www.treasury.louisiana.gov/Home%20Pages/UnclaimedProperty.aspx

Maine              https://www.maineunclaimedproperty.gov/

Maryland        https://interactive.marylandtaxes.com/individuals/unclaim/

Massachusetts https://www.mass.gov/treasury/unclaimed-prop/

Michigan         https://www.michigan.gov/treasury/

Minnesota      https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/unclaimed-property/

Mississippi     https://www.treasurerlynnfitch.com/Pages/default.aspx

Missouri         https://treasurer.mo.gov/UnclaimedProperty/

Montana        https://www.missingmoney.com/main/statesites.cfm

Nebraska       https://www.treasurer.org/up/

Nevada          https://nevadatreasurer.gov/UPSearch/

New Hampshire  https://newhampshire.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

New Jersey     https://www.unclaimedproperty.nj.gov/

New Mexico    https://www.nmsto.gov/what_the_treasurers_office_does_not_do

New York        https://www.osc.state.ny.us/ouf/

North Carolina https://www.nctreasurer.com

North Dakota   https://www.nd.gov/ndtreas/

Ohio               https://www.ohsb.uscourts.gov/unclaimed-funds

Oklahoma       https://www.ok.gov/treasurer/Unclaimed_Property/

Oregon           https://unclaimed.oregon.gov/

Pennsylvania   https://www.patreasury.gov/unclaimed/search.html

Rhode Island   https://www.treasury.ri.gov/divisions/unclaimedproperty/

South Carolina https://www.treasurer.sc.gov/unclaimed-property/

South Dakota  https://southdakota.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Tennessee      https://www.treasury.state.tn.us/unclaim/

Texas             https://www.window.state.tx.us/up/

Utah               https://www.mine.utah.gov/UP_Search.asp

Vermont         https://vermont.unclaimedproperty.com/

Virginia           https://www.trs.virginia.gov/

Washington    https://ucp.dor.wa.gov/

Wisconsin      https://www.statetreasury.wisconsin.gov/section.asp?linkid=1381&locid

Wyoming        https://treasurer.state.wy.us/upsearch.asp

Washington D.C.  https://dc.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Picture of About the author

About the author

Attorney Tatiana Kadetskaya has over 10 years of experience in life insurance law representing beneficiaries and policy owners. She is best known for successfully collecting denied and delayed claims and settling complex beneficiary disputes and interpleader lawsuits.

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